The market was down this month but not as much as you think. The Dow was way down. The other indexes were flat or only a bit down. People often say things along the lines of the stock market is … Continue reading
Category Archives: Stock Market
In previous newsletters on multiple occasions, we have talked about the importance of discipline and sticking to your financial plan. To ignore the disaster of the day and instead look to the long term. Presently, we have an opportunity to … Continue reading
In this newsletter, we are going to discuss what stocks are, the primary stock market, and the secondary stock market. Stocks are in essence an ownership stake in a company. If a company has 100 total shares of stock, if … Continue reading
4th quarter was good and the second half of the year was good. Unfortunately, the first half of the year stunk so bad that the year was down. As a result of the recent meltdown of Sam Bankman-Fried and his … Continue reading
As you remember, September stunk big time. October, however, was wonderful. It was up by more than September was bad. Be careful when looking at these short-term swings. They really do not mean anything. The stock market has fluctuated a … Continue reading
September stunk big time. And, it has gone up 1500 points by October 4th. The market recently has declined this year quite a bit, which at a casual glance is very scary. However, we argue that it isn’t truly scary … Continue reading
August was not a great month. Markets are temperamental. There are many reasons for that. Some of some are rational (differing opinions regarding the value of a company, economic conditions, etc.) and some reasons are very irrational (mania and hysteria). … Continue reading
July was a very good month. Everyone is up. Why does the stock market move? It doesn’t seem to be directly tied to the economy, because while the economy is lousy, sometimes the market goes up. At its core the … Continue reading
April was a bad month. Inflation is kicking in big time. As a result, the federal reserve will likely be raising interest rates and already has somewhat. In the short term, the stock market is down. The long term prospects … Continue reading
As 2021 comes to a close, we should look up on what happened this year and see if there are any lessons that we can take from it. Overall, the Dow went up roughly 5300 points in 2021 or about … Continue reading