April was a bad month. Inflation is kicking in big time. As a result, the federal reserve will likely be raising interest rates and already has somewhat. In the short term, the stock market is down. The long term prospects … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2022
The market was fairly flat in March. Up a bit. Quarter was down a bit. The other day Daniel got a Facebook advertisement for investing in limited partnerships in farmland. The advertisement claimed superior rates of returns. Daniel doesn’t know … Continue reading
The market in February was not good. It was not as bad as you would expect based on the news. Most of you essentially went sidewise. The news has been dominated recently with the situation between Russia and Ukraine. Some … Continue reading
The month was weak. Not a surprise given the magnificent gains of 2021. One thing that must always be taken into account when making investment decision is taxes. Ultimately, the objective of investment is to maximize after tax income. Pre-tax … Continue reading
As 2021 comes to a close, we should look up on what happened this year and see if there are any lessons that we can take from it. Overall, the Dow went up roughly 5300 points in 2021 or about … Continue reading