Lowering Fees It is very important to me to provide people value. For the many of you that know me, you know that I do this job because I want to help people and I’m very good at it. That … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: April 2017
What is a Bottleneck? In a business system or operations chain, things can only go as fast as the slowest piece. A bottleneck in a system is a part that is slowing down everything else. If the bottleneck is strengthened … Continue reading
Definition A barrier to entry as the name indicates is whatever factors that are in place that prevent some companies from entering an industry. The most common barrier to entry is cost. As mentioned in an earlier post, a company … Continue reading
The market was slightly down this month and somewhat up for the quarter. Nothing exciting either way. My wife suggested that I discuss social security. I then realized that I have ignored this topic in my newsletters. I answer a … Continue reading